Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Is it bloggable?

You can tell that I am as excited about this journal as a kid with a new toy. Hopefully, the excitement will not wear out as quickly as with kids and their new toys. This blog did not come in cardboard boxes to which I could divert my attention later.

This being the Christmas season one cannot but help wonder why parents and other family members go through so much trouble of picking the right present for the toddlers in their lives. After all, we know for a fact that the kids are only interested in the boxes those gifts came in. Then why go through the whole hassle of the gifts under the tree, the Santa story etc? Furthermore, one also cannot but help wonder about another important issue. If we went ahead and put a box inside another box, which box will the toddler eventually play with? The box in which the other box came in or the box that came in another box. Now that we have wondered so much, I am sure you will oblige me and wonder some more as to whether it would be possible to write a research proposal and get an NSF grant? I even have a title ready, "On the study of behavorial patterns of pre-adoloscents with regard to preferences of cardboard boxes." Well, almost. I realize that the proposal has no chance of being considered if I cannot come up with a more research-y term to refer to the phrase: carboard boxes.

But, I am digressing. Lately (I realize it has been only two days), everything I do, I ask myself, is it (for the lack of a better word) bloggable? I find that opening my life to public scrutiny in form of a live journal has its advantages. I have to come up with entries at regular intervals to give out the impression that my life is interesting. I can achieve that in two ways. Either I go out and do fun stuff, and therefore lead an interesting life, which I can write about later or be extremely creative and make things up. Both options require some effort on my part, I just wish I knew which would require less effort.

This being the time of new year resolutions, it might be a good idea to resolve to do something interesting which I can write about later. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone, have something for a new year resolution which will alos provide fodder for my journal entries. Too bad the standard resolutions like quit smoking do not apply to me. Of course, I can ask my brutally honest friends for advice. Surely they will have some suggestions on what I should or should not do. The only problem, my life will be hell once I resolve to do something about it. But one thing is for sure, I need a new year's resolution because when someone asks "What is your resolution?", I don't want to reply "1600x1200" like I did last year.

1 comment:

Maccanena said...

You should leave written testimony of all the ridiculous things your advisor puts you through. That could fill a page every day, and eventually become a book! I doubt he will ever read such a thing as a blog, provided he knows what a blog is. And even if he does, you are protected by your pseudonym, which is not easy to guess :)